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My journey as an artist began with a detour, as i heeded my mother’s advice and chose medical school over art school. However, the longing for creative expression never waned within me, and after a long hiatus, I have returned to my first calling. 

As a radiologist specialized in the diagnosis of breast cancer, I am granted a rare opportunity to interact with people at their most vulnerable moments. It is that profound sense of vulnerability that I strive to capture in my artwork. 

Figurative art and portraiture have become my focus, stemming naturally from my work in radiology. Each new piece i undertake is approached with a sense of exploration, devoid of preconceptions. Like a gentle peeling away of layers, i delve beneath the façade, aiming to reveal the essence of the soul within.  

Being a self-taught artist, every work i create is truly a personal journey. Using graphite, ink, colored pencils, gauche  or oils, I embark on an intimate exploration of emotions, capturing the delicate interplay of light and shadows, and the intricacies of the human form.  

My art is an attempt to bridge the realms of vulnerability and strength, portraying the depth of human experience and the resilience of the human spirit. It is my sincere hope that through my art, viewers will connect with the raw emotions and the hidden narratives, finding solace and inspiration in the inherent beauty and complexity of the human condition.